Hiragana あき


Korean 가을


How I think It Should Be Spelled


Possible Pahanngana Spellings

아키 아히()

앜이 앟이()


Possible Related Words

to open 開く 【あく】

to be empty 空く 【あく】



The current Hangul script does not have a letter that I think would be more useful to analyze this word.

The letter would be a mix of /and the sound would be similar to the “kh” sound like “Burj Khalifa.”

This “kh” sound is also found in other proposed Altaic languages, and could be used as a point of comparison.

I propose that while Japanese no longer has the exact “kh” sound, there are a many words that have this k/h duality where sometimes the word is pronounced with a “K”, and sometimes it is pronounced as if there were an “h”.


This letter = kh

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