Okay, so the current set of Kanji that I’m working on and organizing is from 1027 to 1257.

These are all characters that are from very common words in the Japanese language.

Many of these characters are not able to be grouped into sound groups.

Many commonly used Kanji are of pictographic or ideographic origin, and do not have a sound signal.

I thought that this set of around 200 Kanji would be easy to get through and sort into groups, but interestingly, it is actually easier to sort less commonly used Kanji into sound groups.

Basically, more complex Kanji tend to be formed by a formula like this:
– 1 sound clue + 1 meaning clue,

Whereas more commonly used Kanji are formed like this: 
– a direct picture/drawing of the thing
– 2 meaning clues (with no sound clue) 

So basically after I get through this set of Kanji, it should hopefully be easier to sort the more complex Kanji into groups.

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