My current work schedule is Sunday to Friday, with Monday, Wednesday and Sunday being very long days.
However, I want to actually enjoy my Sundays and do some Korean language practice, so I’m going to free up my Sundays starting on 8/30.
I have to take the TOPIK test on 8/23 and I am admittedly not really ready for the test haha
Well, I think I can most certainly get a 3, likely get a 4, and probably will get a 5.
If I don’t get a 4, I would be really shocked and would really need to cram more vocab.
It’s been raining in Korea for almost 3 weeks straight, so while the weather has been relatively cool, it’s been so dreary and kind of depressing.
I would say it is definitely affecting my feelings and motivation, though I shouldn’t be using it as an excuse.
Just gotta keep working consistently little by little.