One Japanese resource that I’ve known about for a while is “Cure Dolly.”
If that name sounds strange to you, you’re not alone.
A quick google search will also yield similarly strange results, since the creator of the Cure Dolly YouTube videos and website uses a digital character to narrate the videos, instead of showing herself.
I remember the first couple times I watched Cure Dolly videos, I thought it was one of the weirdest and most surreal things I had ever seen – the weird part of YouTube.
However, I’ve been watching a lot more of her videos and they are by far some of the best videos and explanations about how the Japanese language really works.
The way she breaks down the “logic” of Japanese, step-by-step, and builds upon each lesson on a very logical progression – it’s truly genius.
I’m actually taking a lot of notes from her videos and i think I can apply her method of breaking down the Japanese language to breaking down the Korean language.
I think her methods and explanations will be useful for to compare the Korean and Japanese languages in more detail.