Okay I need to make a plan for how many words I’m going to analyze and convert each day.

I’m using the online Naver dictionary to estimate how many words there are for each JLPT level.

JLPT 5 = 801

JLPT 4 = 1191

JLPT 3 = 1907

JLPT 2 = 2648

JLPT 1 = 3246


And a running total would be:

JLPT 5 = 801

JLPT 5+4 = 1992

JLPT 5+4+3 = 3899

JLPT 5, 4, 3, 2 = 6547

JLPT 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 = 9793


These numbers aren’t perfect, since there are a lot of duplicate entries, but it gives a good idea of how many words there are to analyze.

So what I’m thinking is that I need to take 2 days to sort words into three categories:

  1. Native Japanese Words
  2. Sino-Japanese Words
  3. Foreign Words

After that, I can focus on blasting through rewriting the Sino-Japanese words.

I’m hoping to get through 100 words a day.

So it would be a 2+5 schedule: 2 days to sort out and get 500 Sino-Japanese words for analysis.

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