Okay, I think my expectations were too big.
I thought I would be able to make pages for 100 words a day.
Actually I think I can.
However, I think that’s only possible if I have already sorted all the words into Native Japanese words, Sino-Japanese words, and Foreign loanwords.
Trying to both sort the words AND rewrite 100 words a day will take too long.
So I think for now, I’ll work on sorting around 10,000 words into the three aforementioned categories.
Maybe I’ll sort JLPT 5 to 3 first, then convert those words.
That will get me to about 4,000 words, which is pretty good.
Hmm… But now that I’m thinking about it, blasting through a lot of Sino-Japanese words would be really easy and I would be able to analyze and convert many words very efficiently since there would be no guessing.
So I could sort all 10,000 words, then just analyze and publish pages on the Sino-Japanese words first.