Okay, so I am way behind with my flashcard studies and reviews.
My flashcard app Anki tells me that I have over 13 hours of reviews to do!
And these are just reviews, not even learning new material!
I wonder if I am being too strict on myself with my vocabulary studies.
For example, in Japanese, there is something called pitch accent, which is kind of similar to tones in other languages such as Chinese or Vietnamese.
I could just study the words without worrying about the pitch accent, but then my Japanese might sound weird.
However, for the purposes of the JLPT, there is no speaking test, so maybe I should consider being less strict on myself?
So I could just learn to read and memorize what the words mean when I see them, then start over from the beginning and work on saying them properly.
So the steps could be something like:
- English to Japanese flashcards – just focus on getting the meaning right, but don’t focus on pronunciation so much
- After I get to about 4000 words (which is about the total number of words needed for the JLPT N3) start over and focus on pronunciation