Well this week hasn’t been going according to plan.

Well I guess the past couple weeks have been too lazy.

I’ve fallen way behind schedule and it’s gonna take a long time for me to catch up.

I’m going to have to look at my study schedule again and rearrange it.

I may have to push everything back one month!

Or I have to really be much more efficient with my time.

I think I haven’t been strict with my mornings.

I’ve been getting sucked into Youtube videos in the morning and before I know it, several hours have already passed.

I think the solution is conscientiousness – being more conscious about how I spend my time.


Overall Word Analysis
  Japanese 漢字 Readings Korean 漢字 Readings  
Kanji + Kana 元気 元氣 Hanja
Hiragana / Katakana げんき 원기 Spoken Form – Hangul
Spoken Form – Pahanngana 겐ㄴ키
Core Form – Pahanngana 겐키 원기 Core Form – Pahanngana


Piece-By-Piece Breakdown
Japanese Korean
Sino-? Native? Foreign? Kanji Kana Pahanngana (Spoken Form) Pahanngana (Core Form) Pahanngana (Core Form) Hangul (Spoken Form) Hanja
Sino-Japanese げん 겐ㄴ