All right, I think I’ve got a good balance of social life and home/work life.

Before, I was just working at home, and since there’s no one else in my home it’s just me spending most of my time by myself.

Now I’ve rearranged my schedule so that I go out to hang out with people at least twice a week.

So I can go hang out with people on Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, Fridays, or Saturdays.

I may change it up so I free up my Sundays, but I’ll test my schedule out for now.

I think once during the week (Tuesday or Thursday) plus once during the weekend (Saturday or Sunday) is a good mix.

My gosh, I’m juggling so many projects . . . I either need to streamline my workflow to get more done in a shorter amount of time, or just be content with making small, consistent progress over a longer period of time.

I guess I’m just impatient, like a lot of people, and want everything to be done now.

I think the main 2 projects I have to focus on now are:

  1. Making YouTube videos about rewriting the Japanese language into Pahanngana (modified Korean alphabet)
  2. Doing research to analyze and sort around 934 Kanji into sound groups

I actually made a YouTube video today here:

I rewrote 5 Japanese words, and I hope to rewrite about 10,000 words.

One small step on a long journey . . .

Okay, I’ve started to chip away at my messy apartment.

I already feel a lot better and more at ease.

I remember reading somewhere that “your outside world is a reflection of your inside world” and “your inside world is a reflection of your outside world.”

I forget which one is the correct quote.

But anyway, now that my immediate area is cleaner, I need to work on more areas and clear my mind.

I’ve also cleared my mind and have the focused goal of simply rewriting Japanese words into the Korean alphabet and publishing posts and videos about the words.

Okay, I need to get my environment in order to do my research as effectively as possible and to study as effectively as possible.

Currently, my computer and office setup is kind of my “everything” set up.

It is also part of my kitchen, my living room, where I put groceries and stuff I buy.

So I have to make sure that it doesn’t get too crowded and messy and make sure that everything is clean and in order.

So I’m really going to focus on the “5 minute rule” or “2 minute rule”, depending on who you ask.

If a task can be done in 2 minutes or 5 minutes, just do it now instead of putting it off.

Okay, now that my sleep is going to be less of an issue, I need to work other things to make things better for me.

  • Removing time wasters
    • Watching videos on YouTube that don’t help 
    • Video games
    • Wasting time on social media
  • Cleaning up my workspace and living space
    • When there’s so much stuff in disarray and things are so messy, it doesn’t make my mind feel good
    • There’s the phrase “mise en place” where everything is in its place so you don’t have to worry about “where is the thing I need?” – You don’t need to waste time hunting around to find what you need

Ah jeez, I’m really getting stumped on certain Kanji.

Over the course of history, the Kanji’s shape and meaning have changed to the point where the modern meaning doesn’t really relate at all to the original pictographic/ideogrpahic/hieroglyphic in ages past.

So I’m really wracking my brain thinking about how to analyze these several Kanji and what “keywords” to assign for mnemonic devices to better aid in memorization.

I may just skip over them for a little bit and them come back to them and let my subconscious work on them for a bit.

Also, I want to get into the flow of analysis and not get too hung up on just a few kanji.

Okay I was talking to my friend and we were talking about business.

He has his own YouTube channel and website and he’s been working on it for a while.

As we were talking, I mentioned that I should just rewrite the top 2000 Japanese words and then make content based on those words.

There are many reasons to focus on the 2000 most common words:

  1. It will allow people to understand what my project is about by seeing actual Japanese sentences written in my modified Korean alphabet, Pahanngana.
  2. It will allow people to see actual examples so instead of me trying to explain the idea, they can just see for themselves
  3. I can make flashcards of these 2000 words so I can study them since I’m planning on taking the JLPT and TOPIK (Japanese and Korean language tests)

Okay I finally got a pretty good night’s sleep.

It’s amazing how even just one hour can affect your mood, your energy levels, and how well you think and function.

I’ve been getting around 4-6 hours of sleep (yeah, terrible, I know) and I may have to do that for a couple days next week.

However, next next week I will finally be able to go to sleep at a reasonable time.

Also, one thing I’ve come to realize again is how different the work and study experience is when you actually just write things down with a pencil and paper.

There’s just something about digital formats that make it hard for me to focus.

So I’m going to try to incorporate more analog media like pencils and little notebooks into my work and study.

Sleep is so important, and my sleep is totally out of whack.

I’m going to need to do a “sleep reset.”

I’m going to have to commit to going to sleep at 10pm and not stay up late at night, even if I feel like “oh I need to work and do more!”

That problem of wanted to stay up longer and do more is because I didn’t finish my work earlier in the day as I should have.

So I have to make sure that I finish all my work as early as possible and not waste time watching YouTube videos or reading junk websites or wasting time on social media.

All right, I finished working on some documentation and paperwork stuff that I had putting off for a long time.

It turned out that I just made a mountain out of a mole hill. 

Sure, it did take 3-4 hours from start to finish all in one sitting just sitting down and working on the documents and paperwork, but it’s done.

I should have done it earlier.

It was really eating up a lot of my mental energy and focus.

I spent so much time and energy just worrying about it when I could have just gotten it done and moved on to more important things.