Well, sorting words is taking a lot more time than I thought it would.
I think I’m gonna aim to just get through sorting JLPT N5-N3 vocabulary first before I start analyzing and publishing pages.
I finished N5 I’m about halfway done with N4.
I was looking up a comparison between JLPT and CEFR and it seems like JLPT N3 seems to be similar to a B1 in the CEFR.
I think I’m okay with this goal for now, since the jump from N3 to N2 is a pretty big jump, and then the jump from N2 to N1 is even bigger.
According to my analyses, there are roughly 4000 words from JLPT N5 to N3.
So I’ll work on sorting and analyzing these 4000 words first before I get to the more advanced and less common vocabulary.